
It’s easier to ignore the hassles of driving in and out of DC when you’re experiencing the freedom that is FreedomCar. You can sit back and avoid the stress that emanates from the rectilinear streets and the expense of parking in the price-gauging garages.

让自己轻松一点. 搭乘FreedomCar. 飞得比别人开心一点.

  • We’ll quote you a flat rate based on your pickup location zip code, 旅行时间和乘客人数. 优胜客体育每次都会准时到的. You won’t get that same kind of peace of mind with an app-based service (with price surges you can’t anticipate until it’s too late).

    With FreedomCar, you’ll also be sure that you’ll get the type of lift that fits your luggage. Our sedans and crossover vehicles offer a maximum carrying capacity of 2 people with luggage (not including skis or golf clubs). 适合大型派对, 或者是带着超大行李旅行的派对, 优胜客体育会确保你有一辆面包车或越野车.

    通常优胜客体育的服务报价是不变的, but some circumstances beyond our control and yours can affect the fee. 了解何时可能需要支付额外费用.

    优胜客体育 or Estimate Online >

  • 优胜客体育的司机和优胜客体育的车辆一样容易辨认. You’ll recognize him or her by our uniform—a dark red-colored FreedomCar shirt and black pants. But if you can’t find your driver right away, just give us a call, (410) 321-5600. 在拥挤的环境中,他或她可能只有几英尺远. We pick up the phone regardless of the hour and will connect you with your driver immediately.

    对于所有机场接机,优胜客体育会开一张 在接你之前打个电话或发个短信 identifying your driver, pickup location and relevant contact information.


    下飞机时给司机打电话或发短信. 优胜客体育到终点站的车程是 三到五分钟. 如果您没有托运行李,优胜客体育将在机场接您 上层(离港) 你们航空公司候机楼外的机场. 如果您有托运行李,优胜客体育将在 低水平 你们航空公司候机楼外的机场. 寻找优胜客体育红色的汽车 车身侧面有白色的FreedomCar标志. (Map)


    If you have requested that we meet you at baggage claim ($25 fee applies), your driver will meet you inside the terminal next to your 飞行’s baggage claim carousel拿着写有你姓的牌子. We’ll assist you in getting your luggage to our car or we can bring the car around if you prefer. (Map)

    请注意: Parking at National is unpredictable and can at times be impossible, 特别是对于像优胜客体育的货车这样的超高层车辆. 如果您在行李传送带处没有看到司机, it is almost assuredly because she/he cannot park and is circling the airport waiting for you to call.

  • 优胜客体育有责任跟踪您的 飞行 所以优胜客体育知道什么时候会早,什么时候会晚. 如果你的航班提前了, 优胜客体育将尽一切努力准时到达, 如果太晚了, 飞机降落时优胜客体育都会在你身边.

  • 打电话给优胜客体育优胜客体育会做出调整. If these changes are within 24 hours of the scheduled service, a $15 transfer fee may apply. Higher cancelation fees may apply for services canceled on the actual day of service, 由FreedomCar自行决定.

  • 通常优胜客体育的服务报价不会经常改变, but when it comes to airport arrivals we’ve encountered a number of circumstances beyond our control and yours that can affect the fee.

    Here are a few exceptions to the norm that can impact your final service charge:
    航班延误 晚上10点以后.m. will incur a $15/half hour surcharge to cover after-hours payments to your driver.
    当天的变化 在您到达的航班上, such as missing your 飞行 or being assigned to a different 飞行 at a different time, 一般会产生15美元的转会费.
    在行李领取处等待时间 一般是不收费的. 然而, if luggage is lost or damaged and resultant claim times go beyond 45 minutes after the arrival of your 飞行, 优胜客体育可能会收取类似于转让费的少量费用.

    Parking fees are not included in your rate because we do not always incur them. If we incur parking costs, that will be added to your quoted fee.


呼叫 (410) 321-5600


找你的司机? 点击这里.



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